Portfolio Development
Grades 9-12 or equivalent
Class Rate: $75/hour
Applying for college is intimidating when you have a clear path to follow, but for many aspiring art students, counselors aren’t familiar with the path to art school. I want to fill that void and help guide you and your student through this intense process.
In these one-on-one classes, we will discuss your goals (options for schools, schools you are interested in, work do you need, etc). Once those are determined, we’ll develop a plan for work development and due dates based on application deadlines. This plan will take into account existing commitments, like school, as well as necessary downtime to replenish your energy and creativity.
These private classes are highly customizable to fit your needs whether you need help making a plan or you want more hands on help, making work with my support. Schedule an hour as needed to touch base or we can meet on a regular basis to workshop essays and artwork.
“Johanne was immensely helpful through each step of the college application process, and provided support both artistically and emotionally, which ultimately led to my acceptance into my dream schools.” - Kiran P.
My experience and philosophy:
I am a mixed media artist with over 25 years of experience focusing primarily on painting and drawing. I have also worked in ceramics, both handbuilding and wheel throwing, as well as mixed media sculpture.
I have been teaching since 2014 and work with students ranging from the age of 4 years to 18 years of age. I am particularly interested in working with teens because, during these years, students show a strong interest in developing their own projects and exploring their specific interests. Combining this time of exploration and discovery with artmaking is a thrill and I love supporting young artists during their journey.
My goal is to empower young artists and I believe that my students are the best guide for what to teach, letting me know what they are ready to learn and when. That being said, I do expect my students to put in some work! This is a team effort and we are working together to get you where you want to go ;)
Booking suggestions:
1st meeting - let’s get to know each other and form a game plan with a 30-minute consultation.
Need to touch base and make sure you’re on course? Book an hour as needed.
Need help brainstorming college essay topics or portfolio pieces? Need help executing your ideas? Book 2 hours or more. This type of coaching is much more involved and I highly suggest meeting on a regular basis, either weekly or every two weeks.
To book a class please email me.